Jumat, 27 Juni 2014


Section 3 in Reading comprehension is the TOEFL exam. It is used to measure kemempuan examinees in understanding written text in English. This section examined the at least 5 readings, where each reading usually consists of ten questions. So the question in this section amounts to fifty questions. You must complete all questions within fifty minutes. This section only examined the reading text only, no pictures, diagrams, or other visual aids.
Themes reading tested in this section is quite varied, but in general related to the course material taught by universities in the United States. For example, history, literature, art, architecture, geology, biology, health, astronomy, geography, and so on. As for the question in section 3 can be categorized into two forms of the following questions:

Reading comprehension

In section 3 of this you will be asked to answer questions relating to the information contained in the reading text. Start of main idea, the more detailed passages, until inferasi or inference to information contained in the reading.


Section 3 also ask you to answer the meaning of certain words contained in the text reading. But if you did not know the meaning of certain words, you still remain biased to know the meaning of words to understand the context of reading. Thus you biased estimate meaning of the words in question in terms of.
Problems commonly faced by participants TOEFL test in Reading Comprehension test is a short time limit. Many tests are not biased participants completed all questions when the allotted time has run out. For the various skills needed in reading must be mastered before you actually run the TOEFL exam. Nevertheless, you are still likely to get a higher TOEFL score when mastering tactical tricks. Here are presented some of the key that can help you compete with that tight at the same time to get better results.


Key 1: Do not be too long to read the text reading.
It must be remembered that you do not have enough time to read the text in depth reading. The question that arises in this reading tests generally dpat answered correctly with direct reading without reading in detail. You can allocate one or two minutes to read the main idea in each paragraph of a reading before starting to read the question. Thus you already get a glimpse of the information conveyed by the reading.

Key 2: Consider all the questions in a bacaaan and remember the key word.
After skimming the main idea of each paragraph, then you should immediately read the questions on the matters contained in the text. Record key words in each question on your mind so you can find answers on reading with all due to some questions. You can also sign counts on the keywords in the question paper, because you are not prohibited from providing graffiti. This is very effective way to save time, so you do not view back and forth between reading the text of the questions.

Key 3: Do not panic if the theme of reading is not a discipline that you control .
TOEFL exam has been designed in such a way that the examinee is not required to master the themes of specific disciplines. All of the information in question in terms of section 3 is already available in the reading text. So any scientific background that you mastered you will still be able to answer the questions on the reading completely different from your discipline.


The material tested in reading tests usually have patterns and specific standards. Usually you are required to find a theme bacaaan, determining the main idea, knowing the meaning of certain vocabulary, knowing specific information, perform inference, ats identifying exceptions and determine the referral of a particular pronoun.
To equip yourself in facing apersoalan are tested in reading tests, note the following keys:

Key 4: Perform previewing reading to find out the topic .
Topic is one item that is almost certainly out on every TOEFL test. To find a topic reading, you do not need to read in detail and depth. You just read the first and last sentence in each paragraph reading. You are not required to understand the readings in detail but simply to determine the topic, because you have to read it as soon as possible.

Key 5: Consider the first sentence of a paragraph to determine the main idea.
Often examined the reading test questions related to the main idea. Main idea is usually contained in the first sentence of a paragraph. By knowing it, you can understand what the message to be conveyed by the author. Main Idea of a reading is usually found on the first two sentences.

Key 6: Understand the context contained in the literature to determine the meaning of a particular word.
Context in English reading is a combination of vocabulary and grammar that is used in a word. It can be a sentence, paragraph, or reading. By understanding a context you will be able to estimate the meaning of a word. Because by knowing the general meaning of a sentence means that you also understand the meaning of the words in the sentence terdapt.

Key 7: Perform scanning to locate specific information relating to the matter of the request
A reading text in a TOEFL exam is usually followed by ten questions, because the time limit is urgent anada should read the tenth question. When reading all the questions you have to find the key words of the question and record it in mind. Read quickly by means of scanning to find specific words into the keywords from a query. This sngat useful in clarifying the reading text to find the information in question. By considering all keyword query, view, and you do not need to split the focus to match the question with the text. Because the sequence numbers usually do not inquire about a sentence or part of the text sequentially. So if you read the question hnaya then look for it in the text readings will spend a lot of time because you need to do the same thing over and over again.

Key 8: Gather facts and data in the literature to perform inferasi or inference
Not all the answers from a question in the TOEFL test can be found directly in the text reading. This is because the information is not exclusively mentioned in a direct statement. Often dlam reading exam you are required to make conclusions about specific information. To read the text of it when you should pay special attention terhada certain data or facts that lead to a conclusion that is informative. Again in this case knowing the keywords from a question first is a distinct advantage. Armed with your keyword data and facts will determine what is appropriate and apilih and Kump [ulkan to make a conclusion.

Key 9: Concentrate for reading text reading.
Concentration is required and is one of the most decisive key to success in Readng test. Examinees often forgotten by what was said by the previous sentence or paragraph when he first read a sentence or a new paragraph. Finally he re-read the sentence again. If this happens to you, langlah following can be used to minimize such errors.
When you read a sentence, didri train you to guess or estimate what the content or information to be presented by the next sentence.
Consider the suitability of a text with the title or main idea you already know in advance, this way you can still get the message that diasampaikan untama by each sentence even if you've moved to the next sentences.

Key 10: Increase your reading speed.
With the limitations of a short test time, then your ability to read quickly and concisely is essential in the TOEFL exam. Indeed, speed reading is not something that is instant. But he must be trained continuously let alone read text that is not our native language. One way is to choose the most important words in a sentence, in which it will give you a summary of the meaning of a passage.

Sample Reading Comprehension

It has been noted that, traditionally, courts have granted divorces on fault grounds: one spouse is deemed to be at fault in causing the divorce. More and more today, however, divorces are being granted on a no-fault basis. Proponents of no-fault divorces argue that when a marriage fails, it is rarely the case that one marriage partner is completely to blame and the other blameless. A failed marriage is much more often the result of mistakes by both partners.
Another argument in favor of no-fault divorce is that proving fault in court, in a public arena, is a destructive process that only serves to lengthen the divorce process and that dramatically increases the negative feelings present in a divorce. If a couple can reach a decision to divorce without first deciding which partner is to blame, the divorce settlement can be negotiated more easily and equitably and the postdivorce healing process can begin more rapidly.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
a. Traditional grounds for divorce
b. Who is at fault in a divorce
c. Why no-fault divorces are becoming more common
d. The various reasons for divorces

2. The word "spouse" in line 1 is closest in meaning to a
a. judge
b. problem
c. divorce decree
d. marriage partner

3. according to the passage, no-fault divorces
a. are on the increase
b. are the traditional form of divorce
c. are less popular that they used to be
d. were granted more in the past

4. It is implied in the passage that
a. there recently has been a decrease in no-fault divorces
b. not all divorces today are no-fault divorces
c. a no-fault divorce is not as equitable as a fault divorce
d. people recover more slowly from a no-fault divorce

5. The word "proponents" in line 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
a. Advocates
b. Recipients
c. Authorities
d. Enemies

6. The passage states that a public trial to prove the fault of one spouse can
a. be satisfying to the wronged spouse
b. lead to a shorter divorce process
c. reduce negative feelings
d. be a harmful process

7. Which of the following is NOT listed in this passage as an argument in favor of no-fault divorce?
a. Rarely is only one marriage partner to blame for a divorce
b. A no-fault divorce generally costs less in legal fees
c. Finding fault in a divorce increases negative feelings
d. A no-fault divorce settlement is generally easier to negotiate

8. The word "present" in line 9 could most easily be replaced by
a. existing
b. giving
c. introducing
d. resulting

9. The word "settlement" in line 10 is closest in meaning to
a. development
b. serenity
c. discussion
d. agreement

10. The tone of this passage is
a. emotional
b. enthusiastic
c. expository
d. reactionary


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